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Federica Galli was one of the most influential Italian engraver of the 20th century and one of the most prominent figures of graphic art of that period.


The poetic interpretation of her subjects, together with her ability to provide an always original gaze in her artworks, allowed her to establish herself as one the leading figurative artist of her time.


The favorite themes of Federica Galli were landscapes and urban areas: trees, views of the city of Milan and Venice, together with a variety of atmospheric conditions like snow, night-views, fog, and water. The mastery with which she painted such diverse and complex subjects  set her apart from her predecessors


Passed away in 2009, she left the baton of her artistic activity to a foundation that bears her name. The Federica Galli Foundation protects the artist’s memory, preserves her artistic heritage, and disseminates the culture of the art of printmaking.


The artworks printed by Federica Galli during her lifetime can be purchased in the accredited galleries, and their sale supports the activities of the Federica Galli Foundation

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Join our workshops

The aim of the FFG is to acquaint its audience with the intrinsic alchemical appeal of graphic techniques, which is a powerful engine for the dissemination of art.

Purchase Federica Galli's Prints
Collecting Federica Galli's prints allows people to decorate their homes with works of elegant and eternal taste, while also financing the foundation's training projects.
Visit our affiliated galleries


The FFG relies on a network of accredited galleries that have the original etchings printed and signed by Federica Galli. Visit these galleries is an opportunity to admire the available repertoire of the artist.

Learn more


Fondazione Federica Galli

Via San Damiano 2, 20122



orario: lunedì - venerdì 15 - 19

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Per la tutela, l'archivio e la memoria della più significativa acquafortista italiana del '900

Tel: +39 345 00 81 289


Fondazione no profit, a statuto regionale

Registro Persone Giuridiche Regione Lombardia n. 1709 del 24\02\2011

C.F. e P.I. 06655420963

REA Milano n. 1954320

Fondo dotazione 1.378.000 

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